The Morgan Hill Community Garden would like to participate in the annual AAUW Earth Day event at the Morgan Hill Community and Cultural Center on Saturday, April 20 from 10 am to 3 pm. We are there with a small display booth and MHCG flyer information for new gardener plots. We still have some open plots and it would be good to get the word out and set up some new gardeners at MHCG. You don’t need to be an expert gardener to be at the booth. Everyone is needed and welcome.
Please email as soon as possible to let us know if you can help us fill in the volunteer time spots. It seems like a while away, but it really isn’t so we need to know if we have enough people very soon. Just think, in a month we will already have much of our spring and summer gardens planned and planted!
Joe will set up the canopy and booth for the 10 am start and he will tear down at 3 pm.
Please let us know what time slot/slots work for you. If these time slots don’t work for you, just let us know what time works best for you and we will put you on the schedule.
10-11:30 am